The Membrane Protein Structural Dynamics Consortium (MPSDC) will be holding its first Frontiers in Membrane Protein Dynamics conference on Thursday, May 3rd and Friday, May 4th.
This conference consists of scientific sessions and poster presentations, and will feature both Consortium members and external invitees.
Attendance is open to the public and will take place within the context of our 3rd Annual MPSDC Meeting, where all members, NIH representatives and our External Advisory Committee will participate.
The MPSDC’s Computational Modeling Core will host a NAMD/VMD workshop and a mini-symposium prior to the conference, which will take place on the University of Chicago campus. For more information on either of these events, click here »
We are currently booked over capacity for the conference, and are therefore no longer taking registrations. Please inquire at mpsdc_admin@bsd.uchicago.edu if you have any questions.
The full schedule is as follows:
Thursday May 3, 2012
7:30-8:30 |
Registration and Breakfast |
Welcome & Introduction
8:30-8:45 |
Eduardo Perozo, University of Chicago |
NMR Approaches to Membrane Protein Motion in the ns-μs Range
8:45-8:50 |
Merritt Maduke, Stanford University, Session Chair |
8:50-9:15 |
Marc Baldus, Utrecht University |
9:15-9:40 |
Dorothee Kern, Brandeis University |
9:40-10:05 |
Katherine Henzler-Wildman, Washington University at St. Louis |
Engineering/Methods to investigate Membrane Protein Dynamics
10:20-10:25 |
Steve Kent, University of Chicago, Session Chair |
10:25-10:50 |
Francis Valiyaveetil, Oregon Health & Science University |
10:50-11:15 |
Christopher Ahern, University of British Columbia |
11:15-11:40 |
Anthony Kossiakoff, University of Chicago |
11:40-12:05 |
Benoît Roux, University of Chicago |
12:05-1:30 |
Poster Session and Lunch |
Computational Approaches to Transmembrane Signaling
1:30-1:35 |
Klaus Schulten, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Session Chair |
1:35-2:00 |
Ivet Bahar, University of Pittsburgh |
2:00-2:25 |
Emad Tajkhorshid, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
2:25-2:50 |
Wonpil Im, University of Kansas |
Alternative Approaches to Membrane Protein Expression and Stability
3:10-3:15 |
Shohei Koide, University of Chicago, Session Chair |
3:15-3:40 |
Volker Dötsch, Goethe University |
3:40-4:05 |
Brian Fox, University of Wisconsin, Madison |
4:05-4:30 |
James Bowie, University of California, Los Angeles |
Dynamics of Ion-Protein Interactions
4:50-4:55 |
Francisco Bezanilla, University of Chicago, Session Chair |
4:55-5:20 |
Martin Zanni, University of Wisconson-Madison |
5:20-5:45 |
Miguel Holmgren, NINDS |
5:45-6:10 |
José Faraldo-Gómez, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics |
Friday May 4, 2012
Mechanistic Paradigms of Membrane Protein Function
8:30-8:35 |
Claudio Grosman, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Session Chair |
8:30-9:00 |
Doug Rees, California Institute of Technology |
9:00-9:25 |
Ming Zhou, Columbia University |
9:25-9:50 |
Anthony Auerbach, University at Buffalo, New York |
Conformational Coupling in Secondary Transporters
10:10-10:15 |
Robert Nakamoto, University of Virginia, Session Chair |
10:15-10:40 |
Hassane Mchaourab, Vanderbilt University |
10:40-11:05 |
Olga Boudker, Cornell University |
11:05-11:30 |
Geoffrey Chang, Scripps Research Institute |
11:30-11:40 |
Closing Remarks |
Download this schedule as a pdf »
Note: we are still deciding on the final list of poster presentations. We will send out an email about these shortly.

The Gleacher Center
This year the conference will be held in downtown Chicago at the University of Chicago’s Gleacher Center located at 450 North Cityfront Plaza Drive, Chicago IL 60611.
The Gleacher Center is the downtown home of the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business. The work of internationally known architect Dirk Lohan, grandson of Mies van der Rohe, the striking and expansive stone and glass structure rises six stories above the Chicago River. We hope this centrally located venue will enhance our interactions and allow for easy transportation to and from the conference.
FYI, I can only be there on Thursday till 3:15 as I teach at 4 pm on Th and will teach also on Friday morning.
If the conference is over-full but open to everyone, will there be a video feed?